The IMF says China should focus on creating full exchange rate flexibility so that the value of the yuan adjusts as the country grows. 国际货币基金组织认为,中国应该致力于实现完全灵活的汇率机制,让人民币的币值随着国家经济发展进行调整。
But, in the absence of exchange rate flexibility and in the presence of high interest rates, cutting fiscal deficits on its own may well exacerbate slumps. 但在没有弹性汇率,而利率高企的前提下,单纯削减财政赤字很可能会加重经济低迷。
Washington is looking for allies – particularly among the emerging economies, who complain about their own competitiveness and volatility problems – in its campaign for exchange rate flexibility. 华盛顿正在为增强人民币汇率弹性的游说活动寻找盟友&特别是那些对本国的竞争力与波动性问题抱怨不已的新兴经济体。
Exchange rate flexibility, and by extension a more independent monetary policy, would help the economy cope better with such shocks. 灵活的汇率,以及在此基础上的更为独立的货币政策,将有助于中国经济更好地应对这些冲击。
But ironically, the collapse of the euro presents a golden opportunity for China to introduce greater exchange rate flexibility. 但具有讽刺意味的是,欧元暴跌给中国提供了一个提高汇率灵活性的绝佳机会。
Over time, more exchange rate flexibility can enable China to have a monetary policy independent from US cyclical conditions, which is increasingly necessary, the report said. 随着时间的推移,更大的汇率灵活性可使中国拥有独立于美国周期状况的货币政策,而这样的货币政策日趋必要,世行报告表示。
Milestones include more aggressive measures to strengthen social safety nets and greater exchange rate flexibility. 里程碑式的举措包括,更为大胆的强化社会保障体系的举措,以及增强汇率的灵活性。
Last weekend China, under relentless US pressure to end the renminbi's peg to the dollar, once again blew hot and cold by announcing that it would enhance exchange rate flexibility, later adding that the rate would remain basically stable. 上周末,在美国要求结束人民币盯住美元汇率机制的持续施压下,中国再一次表现出了摇摆不定的立场,先是宣布将增强人民汇率弹性,稍后又补充道,人民币汇率将保持基本稳定。
It is desirable to proceed further with reform of the RMB exchange rate regime and increase the RMB exchange rate flexibility. 这就需要进一步改革人民币汇率制度,提高人民币汇率的灵活性。
"Greater exchange rate flexibility" was needed to allow monetary policy to function more effectively. 中国需要“增大汇率弹性”,才能使货币政策更高效地发挥作用。
While it has been calling on Asian governments to press for further exchange rate flexibility, the ADB has refrained from calling for a reduction in government-led foreign exchange intervention designed to protect local export industries. 虽然亚行一直在呼吁亚洲各国政府展现更大的汇率弹性,但它没有呼吁减少政府主导的外汇市场干预行为。这些干预旨在保护当地的出口行业。
They must let exchange rate flexibility take some of the economic strain. 它们必须让弹性汇率缓和某些经济紧张。
The United States will maintain vigilance against excess volatility in exchange rates, and China will continue to promote RMB exchange rate flexibility. 美国将对汇率过度波动保持警惕,中国将继续增强人民币汇率弹性。
Unlike such eurozone economies as Spain, Ireland or Italy, which have housing hangovers and/ or competitiveness problems, Britain has exchange rate flexibility which will help rebalance the economy. 与拥有住房市场遗留问题和/或竞争力问题的西班牙、爱尔兰或意大利等欧元区经济体不同,英国的汇率弹性有助其恢复经济平衡。
He said one way to mitigate this risk would be "through some greater exchange rate flexibility" offset by fiscal consolidation. 他说,减轻这一风险的办法之一,就是“使汇率变得更灵活一些”,再以财政巩固加以补偿。
Adaptability Analysis of Foreign Related Enterprises Dealing With RMB Exchange Rate Flexibility Increasing 涉外企业应对人民币汇率弹性增强的适应性分析
China will continue to promote RMB exchange rate reform, enhance RMB exchange rate flexibility, and promote the transformation of its economic development model. 中国将继续坚持推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,增强人民币汇率弹性,转变经济发展方式。
Managing the deleveraging will be very hard, particularly without internal exchange rate flexibility. 管理去杠杆化过程将困难重重,尤其是在缺乏内部汇率弹性的情况下。
What Asia requires, in short, is monetary policy decoupling. This can only happen if central banks allow greater exchange rate flexibility. 简而言之,亚洲需要的是货币政策脱钩,其前提条件是各国央行允许增强汇率灵活性。
In the absence of such a central bank, the right alternative has to be greater exchange rate flexibility and targeting of domestic inflation. 如果没有这样一家央行,正确的做法必须是提高汇率灵活性和控制国内通胀。
As a high export-oriented economy, the economic development of Shanghai, of course, has been influenced by RMB exchange rate flexibility. 作为这样一个高度外向型的经济体,上海经济发展的各个方面都受到人民币汇率变动的影响。
Analysis shows that, after the reform of the RMB exchange regime, exchange rate flexibility has dramatically increased. 分析表明,汇率制度改革之后人民币汇率的浮动程度已经大大提高。
Meanwhile, the RMB exchange rate reform is restarted, the central bank announced to further improve the RMB exchange rate flexibility, put forward the RMB effective exchange rate to replace bilateral exchange rate. 与此同时,人民币汇率制度改革被重新启动,央行在公布进一步提高人民币汇率弹性的同时,还提出了将人民币有效汇率取代人民币双边汇率作为人民币汇率水平的参照系和调控的依据。
At last, from the perspective of influential elements, this dissertation propose that interest rate should be market oriented and we should monitor capital and real estate markets closely and increase exchange rate flexibility. 最后,从影响因素的角度提出利率市场化,严密监控资本和不动产市场的资本流动和提高汇率弹性等有针对性的政策建议。
This is also the latest formulation of the highest-level officials of the Administration of Foreign Exchange to prevent the problem of inflation by increasing exchange rate flexibility. 这也是外汇管理局最高层级官员对于通过增加汇率弹性来防止通货膨胀问题的最新表述。
With the gradual recovery of world economy, the PBC issued a speech that is "further advance the reform of RMB exchange rate formation mechanism; strengthen the RMB exchange rate flexibility". 随着世界经济的逐步复苏,2010年6月19日,中国人民银行新闻发言人发表了进一步推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,增强人民币汇率弹性的讲话。
Various types of agricultural products 'Export exchange rate flexibility greater than imports exchange rate flexibility. The income elasticity of primary agricultural products less than processed ones. 各类农产品的出口汇率弹性大于进口汇率弹性,初级农产品的收入弹性小于加工品的收入弹性。
South Korea shows that, the increased exchange rate flexibility to achieve currency appreciation, not only can slow the increasing pressure on foreign reserves, but also can achieve independent monetary policy, contributing to macroeconomic stability. 韩国的情况表明,提高汇率弹性,实现货币升值,不仅可以减缓外汇储备增加的压力,还有利于更为独立的货币政策的实行,有助于宏观经济的稳定。